Ministry of Environment Morodok Techo Building (Lot 503), Str. Great Disciple Sar Bith, Sangkat Ton
The objective of the solid waste and plastic management improvement project (the Project) is to improve solid waste and plastic management in selected areas. The project will be implemented over a period of 6 years (2023-2029), and budget of US$67.3 million will be allocated for the following four components: Component 1 – Institutional Strengthening for Solid Waste and Plastic Management (US$ 4.32 million, implemented by Ministry of Environment), Component 2 – Integrated Solid Waste and Plastic Management, Planning, Monitoring, and Capacity Building for Participating Provinces, Municipalities and Districts (US$8.42 million, implemented by Ministry of Interior). Component 3 – Solid Waste and Plastic Management Infrastructure (US$54.56, implemented by Ministry of Public Works and Transport) and Component 4 –emergency response with zero allocation has been provisioned for the Bank to provide emergency support in the event of a natural disaster, emergency and/or catastrophic event.
រយៈពេល៖ ១២ខែ អាចបន្តផ្អែកតាមការវាយតម្លៃលើលទ្ធផលនៃការអនុវត្តការងារប្រចាំឆ្នាំ
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