Mahogany Guesthouse - Siem Reap, Cambodia
Mahogany Guesthouse
1 Review
Mahogany GuesthouseNo. 0593, Wat Bo (St.), opposite Chivit Thai Restaurant, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk063 963 417
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Mahogany Guesthouse
No. 0593, Wat Bo (St.), opposite Chivit Thai Restaurant, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk, Siem Reap, Cambodia
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Mahogany GuesthouseNo. 0593, Wat Bo (St.), opposite Chivit Thai Restaurant, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk063 963 417
If it’s as good as it was...!
I stayed at the Mahogany guest house over 20 years ago.. It was a lot smaller then, probably and Cambodia was a lot less Safe then.
The family looked after us 4 or 5 (we were backpacking) and set us up with friendly moto drivers that wouldn’t take you to the remaining Khmer Rouge (and get $2000 for your head as a Westerner!) and treated us with respect as well as being really friendly. Unfortunately, l was sick in bed for about a week at the guesthouse, and again, they looked after me like l was Family. Got a doctor for me and kept looking in on me all the time to make sure l was OK.
I will never forget the amazing sunsets from the balcony, and learning Khmer words from the then 10 or 11 year old son. Also watching the movie, ‘The Killing Fields’ on the video. It was a lot more poignant in that country.
If the guesthouse is anywhere near as good as it was then, l couldn’t recommend it more!
Thankyou Mahogany! I have wonderful memories of you!
The family looked after us 4 or 5 (we were backpacking) and set us up with friendly moto drivers that wouldn’t take you to the remaining Khmer Rouge (and get $2000 for your head as a Westerner!) and treated us with respect as well as being really friendly. Unfortunately, l was sick in bed for about a week at the guesthouse, and again, they looked after me like l was Family. Got a doctor for me and kept looking in on me all the time to make sure l was OK.
I will never forget the amazing sunsets from the balcony, and learning Khmer words from the then 10 or 11 year old son. Also watching the movie, ‘The Killing Fields’ on the video. It was a lot more poignant in that country.
If the guesthouse is anywhere near as good as it was then, l couldn’t recommend it more!
Thankyou Mahogany! I have wonderful memories of you!
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