Chhun Huot Jewelry Shop - Battambang, Cambodia

2 Reviews
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Chhun Huot Jewelry Shop
No. 262, Prek Mohatep Village, Battambang, Cambodia
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2 Reviews
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My relatives in Cambodia recommended us to buy jewelry in that store because they have been the customers over 7 years. I bought a diamond ring, watch and pendants, and my parents bought a lot of things from that store. Loved the owners, they are very smiley, friendly and trustful. After we have used them over a year, we feel that they made jewelries with great materials and nice diamonds that we never have had before from another store in US. We really like all what we bought from that place and we will continue to buy from that store again if we have a chance to visit Battambang city, Cambodia. Thank you so much to the owners that being a nice, friendly people and a great real jewelry store in the town. You are the best!

This is a great trustful Jewelry shop that most of my relatives going there for almost 10 years. I never get headache about what i am wearing and buying there. The owners are really nice and friendly. They have a good experience in making a well known Jewelry in city. Really recommend for this shop if you want to buy Jewelry for your special day or for any events. Try it!

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