AVS Integrators Sdn Bhd - Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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Company name
AVS Integrators Sdn Bhd
No. 57, Street 242, Sangkat Chak Tomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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Company manager Dennis Tan
Establishment year 2008
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Company description
AVS Integrators is a professional engineering company which specializing in Audio Visual (AV) & broadcast system, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), Extra Low Voltage (ELV) & building security system and architecture LED lighting system.
AVS Integrators incorporated in Malaysia and Cambodia to support our clients throughout the region in terms of technology services with a wide range of products. Project design & build and system maintenance also part of our services.
Projects implemented include government, commercial and residential buildings such as government conference/ function halls, hotels, condominiums/ apartments, shopping malls, corporate towers/ offices, stadiums/ sports complex, convention centers, auditoriums, conference/ meeting rooms, universities/ schools, factories, house of worships, theatres, theme parks, casinos, entertainment outlets, etc.
AVS Integrators incorporated in Malaysia and Cambodia to support our clients throughout the region in terms of technology services with a wide range of products. Project design & build and system maintenance also part of our services.
Projects implemented include government, commercial and residential buildings such as government conference/ function halls, hotels, condominiums/ apartments, shopping malls, corporate towers/ offices, stadiums/ sports complex, convention centers, auditoriums, conference/ meeting rooms, universities/ schools, factories, house of worships, theatres, theme parks, casinos, entertainment outlets, etc.
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