Top 4,132 Vehicle Services in Cambodia
List of top verified Vehicle Services in Cambodia, near me. Last updated Dec 2024
We found 4,132 directory listings in Cambodia. Page 199
Uy Borin Guest House
#0059 Group 2, Slorkram Village, S/K Slorkram, Siem Reap District, Cambodia
012 620 134
Uy Sa Khan Motorcycle Shop II
No. 187, Sihanouk (St. 274), 12303, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
012 855 567
Uy Sakorn
#67-69, St.182 (Oknha Tep Phan) S/K Ou Ruessei 2, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
012 355 567
Van Chey Garage
Korathan Villge, Sangkat O Ambel, Serey Sophorn City, Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia
092 203 920
Vanary Ironware Shop
#42, St.163 S/K Toul Tumpoung I, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
012 844 798
Vann Ratt
#275, St.110 (Confederation Russian Blvd) S/K Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
012 717 370
#449, St.274 (Preah Sihanouk) S/K Bos Leav, Chetr Borei District, Kratie, Cambodia
011 310 441
Vanny Garage
St.274 (Preah Sihanouk) S/K Kampong Cham, Kampong Chaam City, Cambodia
011 985 565
Vannak Garage
#-, St.11A S/K Kampong Leav, Khan Kampong Leav, Prey Veng, Cambodia
097 634 0003
Filter by City
- Phnom Penh2765
- Battambang175
- Siem Reap172
- Sihanoukville11
- Prey Veng29
- Kampong Cham161
- Ta Khmau0
- Pursat81
- Kampong Speu8
- Takeo13
Related Categories
- Air Transport351
- Air Travel1,016
- Airports7
- Auto Dealers- New & Used1
- Auto Insurance0
- Auto Parts- New & Used1
- Auto Repair2
- Auto Services1
- Auto Supplies1
- Aviation1
- Bicycles59
- Boats and Boating1
- Bus Line0
- Car Parts and Accessories381
- Car Rental138
- Car Wash0
- Cargo Services2
- Courier Services2
- Cruises0
- Driving Schools98
- Electric Vehicle0
- Haulage1
- Limousines1
- Logistics464
- Marine Services8
- Mechanics0
- Motorbikes859
- Package Shipping1
- Parking0
- Petrol Station154
- Ports and Harbours0
- Rail Transport1
- Shipping & Port Agent123
- Taxis128
- Tire Dealers0
- Towing Service0
- Transport584
- Transport Agents4
- Transportation0
- Vehicle Manufacturers1
- Vehicle Sales256
- Vehicle Services4,132